2019 AMA Ice Race National Championship takes place Jan. 20

2018 AMA Ice Race National Championship (credit- Mike Barton)

Three-hour ice grand prix endurance event to be held in Campbellsport, Wis.

PICKERINGTON, OH – December 20, 2018 – (Motor Sports Newswire) –  The American Motorcyclist Association’s amateur ice racing national championship, scheduled for Jan. 20 in Campbellsport, Wis., features a new competition format.

The 2019 AMA Ice Race National Championship will be on a grand prix racing course laid out on frozen Kettle Moraine Lake and is part of the Steel Shoe Fund’s annual fundraising endurance racing event, which is hosted by the lakeside Tiki Beach Resort.

The event will use a three-hour endurance format that features multiple classes racing on the same track at the same time. A 30-minute race will be on a shorter course for youth competition classes.

“The AMA is grateful to the Steel Shoe Fund for stepping up to organize and promote the 2019 AMA Ice Race National Championship,” AMA Track Racing Manager Ken Saillant said. “The new format for the 2019 edition of the AMA’s amateur national ice racing championship provides different challenges than previous events. We are looking forward to crowning another set of ice racing national champions in January.”

The event features four adult competition classes: Lightweight Amateur Team, Middleweight Amateur Team, Heavyweight Amateur Team and Ironman Amateur Solo. An overall event winner will be crowned. Class champions and the overall winner are recognized as AMA national champions and are awarded AMA National No. 1 plates.

The Steel Shoe Fund was established in 1997 to assist injured flat-track motorcycle racers pay medical bills and address their immediate needs.

“We are thrilled to be able to incorporate the 2019 AMA Ice National Championships into our ‘The Original 3-Hour Motorcycle Endurance Ice Event,'” Steel Shoe Fund President Christine DaRonco said. “We applaud the AMA for allowing us to host its amateur national championship without having to reconfigure our event, which has proven to be both popular and successful for more than 20 years.”

For more information on 2019 AMA Ice Race National Championship, visit www.americanmotorcyclist.com/Racing/Ice-Racing.

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Founded in 1924, the AMA is a not-for-profit member-based association whose mission is to promote the motorcycle lifestyle and protect the future of motorcycling. As the world’s largest motorcycling rights and event sanctioning organization, the AMA advocates for riders’ interests at all levels of government and sanctions thousands of competition and recreational events every year. The AMA also provides money-saving discounts on products and services for its members. Through the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame in Pickerington, Ohio, the AMA honors the heroes and heritage of motorcycling. For more information, visit www.americanmotorcyclist.com.

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Source: American Motorcyclist Association

AMA Press Release
