![American Citizen Biker - PAC [678] American Citizen Biker - PAC](https://motorsportsnewswire.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/American-Citizen-Biker-PAC-678.jpg)
AMESBURY, MA – May 22, 2019 – (Motor Sports Newswire) – The first of 12-months “2020 Vision Raffle” drawing was conducted May 20th, at Precision Powersports in Amesbury, with owner Josh Ballon drawing the lucky winner, who was rider Carlene A., of Wenham, MA.
Josh’s son Brandon recorded live via Facebook Video – (see https://www.facebook.com/precisionpowersportsllc/videos/327215767967960/) – Paul W. Cote, Sue Hart and Josh putting the tickets in the jug, swishing ’em around, while talking about the two Massachusetts Motorcyclists Survivor’s Fund and the American Citizen Biker PAC.
“What we ride, where we ride and who we ride with separates us at times,” said Cote during the streaming and mixing the tickets, “but when a rider goes down, we don’t ask those questions – we ask how can we help.” And its the same with political issues, that affect us as Bikers and Americans, which the PAC will address going into year 2020.
Linda H. of Gloucester sold the winning ticket and was watching the live stream, called Carlene and told her to call Paul. “She was excited, and we offered her one of the five prizes,” claimed Cote. Prize options, each with a $2,020 value included trips to Boston or Bikertoberfest, a Henry Repeating “God Bless American” Repeating Rifle and 2,020 rounds of ammo, dinner for 20 of her buddies, or $2,020 cash. “She took the ca$h” and said she’d buy her Sisters dinner at their June monthly Group meeting. Good stuff !”
Tickets for the next drawing, June 20th, are now available on-line via debit/credit cards at http://citizenbikerpac.com/2020-vision-raffle/.
Only 2,020 tickets each month, at $20 each, with one prize choice valued at $2,020, and drawing the 20th each month, benefiting the MA Motorcyclists Survivor’s Funds and American Citizen Biker PAC.
Source: American Citizen Biker PAC